Projects and Blog

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Part-time mad computer scientist, full-time lover of the extraordinary.

Future Money

Open-source budget web app designed for future money, learn more.

Bliss UI

No-code app platform to remove barriers to inspiration, learn more.

Learning Rust

Reading and working through the exercises provided in The Rust Programming Language book, learn more.

E-learning Analysis

Education first-principles, SWOT analysis, and roadmap, learn more.

Twitter Clone

Simple experiments with Dolt and Dolthub via node.js, express.js, and mysql, learn more.

Algorithms and Data Structures

Code examples and notes on practical data structures and algorithms course, learn more.

Learning Docker

Notes and experiments with Docker, learn more.

Learning PostHog

Notes and advice for learning open-source analytics platform, learn more.

Social Media

JSON REST-style API that analyzes data from SocialMedia, a totally legit social media platform, learn more.